LXC as Virtual Service Container on IOS XE

In the last tutorial, we have discussed Cisco open service container based on Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM). Virtual machines include the application, binaries and libraries along with entire guest OS. As a result, we can run any guest OS supported by KVM hypervisor. Containers, however share the same kernel with; each container still acts as its own separate environment with their own respective file systems. Containers are virtualization at operating-system-level whereas VMs are virtualization at the hardware level.

Cisco IOS XE supports another type of service container - Linux Virtual Container (LXC). The goal of the tutorial is to explain how to create LXC container from Docker image and install the container on Cisco Cloud Service Router (CSR) 1000v. Network topology is depicted on the Picture 1.

Picture 1 - Network Topology


  • Host OS: Debian 10 Buster with GNS3 2.2.5 and WMware Workstation 15.1.0 build-13591040 installed
  • Guest OS: Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000v, IOS XE Software version is 16.07.01
  • Docker container - Debian 10 Buster

1. Docker

List available Docker images. Currently they are not any Docker images stored n local PC (Picture 2).

$ docker images

Picture 2 - Checking Available Docker Images

Search the Docker Hub for Debian images (Picture 3).

$ docker search debian

Picture 3 -  Debian Images in Docker Hub (Output is Truncated)

Download docker image debian and list docker images again.

$ docker pull debian
$ docker images

Picture 4 - Docker Image Downloaded

Note: To get the directory where the images are stored, enter the docker info command:

$ sudo docker info 2>/dev/null | grep '/var/lib/docker'

2. Creating LXC Container

Ioxclient is a command line tool to assist in app development for Cisco IOx platforms. We are going to use it for packaging an existing docker image as an IOx application (LXC container). The following configuration is done on Host PC (Debian Buster). Firstly, create a directory service-containers in your home dir and enter the directory.

$ mkdir ~/service-containers
$ cd service-containers/

Download the latest ioxclient and extract it.

~/service-containers$ wget https://pubhub.devnetcloud.com/media/iox/docs/artifacts/ioxclient/ioxclient-v1.10.1.0/ioxclient_1.10.1.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
~/service-containers$ tar xxvf ioxclient_1.10.1.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
~/service-containers$ cd ioxclient_1.10.1.0_linux_amd64/

Run the iox client without arguments, it will configure it.

~/service-containers/ioxclient_1.10.1.0_linux_amd64$ ./ioxclient
Config file not found : /home/brezular/.ioxclientcfg.yaml
Creating one time configuration..
Your / your organization's name : HOME
Your / your organization's URL : www.home.com
Your IOx platform's IP address[] :
Your IOx platform's port number[8443] :
Authorized user name[root] :
Password for root :
Local repository path on IOx platform[/software/downloads]:
URL Scheme (http/https) [https]:
API Prefix[/iox/api/v2/hosting/]:
Your IOx platform's SSH Port[2222]:
Your RSA key, for signing packages, in PEM format[]:
Your x.509 certificate in PEM format[]:
Activating Profile default
Saving current configuration

Create a new file package.yaml in a project directory.

$ vi package.yaml

descriptor-schema-version: "2.2"
name: debian
version: latest
cpuarch: x86_64
PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
kernel-version: 4.4.76
cpu: "1000"
disk: "2"
memory: "1000"
- interface-name: eth0
ports: {}
profile: custom
rootfs: rootfs.img
target: /bin/bash
type: lxc

Generate IOx package type lxc (log_ioxclient_package.txt):

~/service-containers/ioxclient_1.10.1.0_linux_amd64$ ./ioxclient docker package debian .

The file package.tar is created; we need to copy it to the router's bootflash. Create a directory debian in CSR100v bootflash:/.

CSR1# mkdir bootflash:/debian

Copy the file package.tar from Debian 10 (Host OS) to the router.

CSR1# copy scp://brezular@ bootflash:/debian

3. Router Configuration

Configure access to the network and the Internet from the router.

CSR1(config)# ip route

Note: Host OS - Debian 10 must be configured with the route to be able forward packets to LXC container.  The IP address is the IP of the interface GigabitEthernet2 on CSR1.

# ip route add via

Enable iox service.

CSR1(config)# iox

Configure the VirtualPort group to provide IP connectivity to a service container. The interface  virtualportGroup 0 is a routed L3 interfaces which connects the container to IOS-XE. Therefore, the IP address configured for Vi0 represents a default gateway address for the service  container.

CSR1(config)# interface virtualPortGroup 0
CSR1(config-if)# ip address

Configure virtual network interface

CSR1(config)# app-hosting appid debian
CSR1(config)# vnic gateway1 virtualportgroup 0 guest-interface 0 guest-ipaddress netmask gateway default

Install appid name Debian from package.tar.

CSR1# app-hosting install appid debian package bootflash:/debian/package.tar

List containers; appid debian is in deployed state (Picture 5).

CSR1# show app-hosting list

Picture 5 - App ID Debian in Deployed State

Activate appid debian to switch from the deployed to activated state.

CSR1# app-hosting activate appid debian

Picture 6 - App ID Debian in Activated State

Now we start appid Debian.

CSR1# app-hosting start appid debian

Picture 7 - App ID Debian in Running State

Connect to Debian LXC container with console:

CSR1# app-hosting connect appid debian console

Picture 8 - Debian 10 Shell

Press 3x Ctrl-C to exit from container. In case, you want to stop container, enter the command:

CSR1# app-hosting stop appid debian

To get info about parameters and resource reservation of LXC container Debian enter the command:

CSR1# show app-hosting detail appid debian

Picture 9 - Detailed Information about Appid Debian


One thought on “LXC as Virtual Service Container on IOS XE

  1. Trying to replicate your setup but i get the error bellow, any idea on how to overcome this.

    ubuntu@ansible:/var/lib/docker/service-containers/ioxclient_1.10.1.0_linux_amd64$ ./ioxclient docker package debian .
    Currently active profile : default
    Command Name: docker-package
    Timestamp at DockerPackage start: 1701904633155
    Using the package descriptor file in the project dir
    Validating descriptor file package.yaml with package schema definitions
    Parsing descriptor file..
    Found schema version 2.4
    Loading schema file for version 2.4
    Validating package descriptor file..
    File package.yaml is valid under schema version 2.4
    Generating IOx package, type = lxc
    checking for -d option
    Docker image rootfs size in 1M blocks: ~ 115
    Computed headroom in 1M blocks: ~ 12
    Creating iox package with rootfs size in 1M blocks: ~ 126

    Failed to format rootfs image file
    Unable to generate Flat rootfs file from docker image
    Error while exporting docker image and creating rootfs image
    Error occurred : exit status 1


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