Enterprise Network on GNS3 - Part 5 - Data Center

The article is the fifth of the series of the articles discussing the enterprise network configuration. The article focus on the Data Center (DC) configuration. DC consists of the two devices - Server1 and the switch vIOS-Ser-I. Of course, the DC network with a single switch and the server is far away from any known DC network design. Typically, modern horizontally scaled large-size Layer 3 DCs consist of thousands of servers connected to the Top of Rack (ToR) l3 switches and they follow leaf and spine design. The DC of this size can be hardly emulated on a single PC. For this reason I only share the configuration of the Cisco L3 switch that is located in our DC. The switch is running Cisco vIOS-L2, version 15.2 and it has assigned 768MB RAM by GNS3.

The switch vIOS-Ser-I connects Ubuntu Linux Server to DC network. The configuration of the services such as bonding, NTP, DHCP, Syslog-ng, DNS and RADIUS running on the server is explained in more details later.

Picture 1 - Data Center

Note: The configuration file of the device vIOS-Serv-I is attached here.

1. Switch vIOS-Ser-I Configuration

Rather than explaining every line of the configuration, we will discuss how is the vIOS-Serv-I connected into the other devices. The switch is connected with point-to-point layer3 links to the Cisco ASAv-I. The OSPF routing protocol with Message digest (MD5) authentication password is configured on the switch.

Picture 2 - List of Interfaces

The switchports Gi0/2 and Gi0/3 connect the switch to the Server1 and they are configured as the access ports in VLAN50. The links are bonded together as a single etherchannel port (L2 port-channel) using the command channel-group 1 mode on. Traffic is loaded based on source XOR destination MAC address across the links.

Picture 3 - Etherchannel Summary

The switch is acting as default gateway with the IP address configured on the interface SVI50. This IP address is configured on the Server1 under IPv4 configuration.

The switch is synchronizes its time with the Server1 using NTP. It is also configured to send traps with the severity 5 - notification and lower (1- alerts, 7 - debugging) to syslog-ng daemon running on the Server1. The access to the console and vty lines is authenticated against RADIUS server running on the Server1.

Picture 4 - RADIUS Authentication Checking

2. Server1 Configuration

2.1 After Installation Steps

The Server1 is running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Xenial. Once Ubuntu is installed, we will fetch the list of available updates and upgrade the current packages with the commands below.

Picture 5 - Ubuntu Linux Version

$ sudo su
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

I prefer Vim editor to the default installed Nano editor. We can install Vim with the command.

# apt-get install vim

Change the hostname and add a pair hostname and an IP address into the file /etc/hosts.

# vi /etc/hostname

# echo " Server1" >> /etc/hosts

After reboot, the hostname is changed to Server1. Now configure Ubuntu to display a security banner for SSH connections.

# vi /etc/issue.net

Welcome to Server1
All connections are monitored and recorded
Disconnect IMMEDIATELY if you are not an authorized user!

Edit a configuration file of OpenSSH sever. Uncomment a line starting with a keyword #Banner.

# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Banner /etc/issue.net

Restart SSH service.

systemctl restart ssh

2.2. Redirecting VGA Output to Serial Port

Server1 appliance is running inside GNS3 topology. GNS3 supports a serial console for connection to a serial port of an appliance. To use a console for Server1, we are going to reconfigure Ubuntu to redirect VGA output to a serial port. Afterwards we can easily connect to his serial port with a right click on the appliance and select Console from the list. Below is a minimal configuration of Ubuntu for redirection of VGA to the serial port.

$ sudo su
# vi /lib/systemd/system/ttyS0.service

Description=Serial Console Service

ExecStart=/sbin/getty -L 115200 ttyS0 vt102


Now reload systemd manager configuration and enable ttyS0 service. Then start ttyS0 service.

# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable ttyS0
# systemctl start ttyS0

Reboot the Server1 and connect to its serial port with GNS3.

2.3 Interfaces and Bonding Configuration

First, we need to load a bonding module to Linux kernel.

$ sudo su
# modprobe bonding

Check if the module is loaded into the kernel.

# lsmod | grep bond
bonding 139264 0

Configure the kernel to load the bonding module after reboot.

# echo "bonding" >> /etc/modules

Check available interfaces with the ifconfig -a command. They are three Ethernet interfaces presented - bond0, ens3 and ens4. Let's add interfaces ens3 and ens4 to bond0 interface and configure IP address on the bond0. Edit the configuration file  /etc/network/interfaces as it is shown here. Afterwards check status of bonding with the command below.

Picture 6 - Checking Bonding Status

The bonding mode is set to 0 - load balancing and round robin. This is default mode that provides load balancing and fault tolerance.

2.4 Forwarding DNS Server Using Bind

Forwarding Domain Name System (DNS) server forwards DNS requests to an outside resolving server and then caches the results to use for later queries. We install and configure Bind that will forward DNS queries to se Google public DNS servers.

Note: The configuration file /etc/bind/named.conf.options is here.

2.4.1 Install Bind Server Packages

$ sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install bind9 bind9-doc

2.4.2 Bind Configuration

a) Define Access-List For Clients

Create an access-list which identifies the clients allowed to access DNS server. The access-list should list all the clients' IP subnets.  First, modify the Bind configuration file below. All the following configuration changes will be done inside this file. Put the lines below above the line beginning with the options block.

# vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options

acl ourclients {;;;;;;;;

b) Allow Recursion and Query

Allow recursion and configure a parameter allow-query referring to the access-list for our clients. But the lines bellow inside the option block.

recursion yes;
allow-query {

c) Configure Forwarders

We need to provide Google public recursive name servers IP addresses and Change the forwarders block as following.

forwarders {;;

To configure recursive name servers, add the following line below into the forwarders block. DNS server will forward request to Google DNS public servers instead of trying to resolve queries by itself.

forward only;

d) Enable DNSsec

Enable DNSsec. Change the line dnssec-validation no to dnssec-validation yes and add the line dnssec-enable yes.

dnssec-enable yes;
dnssec-validation yes;

Check the configuration file for errors with the command below. If there is not an error, the output is blank.

# named-checkconf

Alternatively, inspect /var/log/syslog for errors.

e) Logging Queries

Create a directory /var/log/named  that stores Bind log messages and change owner and group to bind.

# mkdir /var/log/named/
# chown bind:bind /var/log/named/

Add the following commands at the end of /etc/bind/named.conf.options

logging {
channel query_log {
  file "/var/log/named/bind.log" versions 3 size 5m;
  severity info;
  print-time yes;
  print-severity yes;
  print-category yes;
category queries {

Then add the line querylog yes to the option block.

querylog yes;

Check configuration again with the command below and restart Bind.

# named-checkconf
# systemctl restart bind9

The log file /var/log/named/bind.log should now contain DNS queries.

Picture 7 - Logging DNS Queries

2.5 Network Time Protocol Server Installation and Configuration

NTP server provides precise time for the hosts and network devices. It is running on Server1. Here is the configuration file /etc/ntp.conf.

2.5.1 Install NTP Daemon and Utilities Package

$ sudo apt-get install ntp

2.5.2 NTP Client Configuration

$ sudo su
# vi /etc/ntp.conf

a) Specify NTP Public Servers

Comment out the the following lines and specify NTP servers near to you. These are the default pre-configured public NTP servers.

#pool 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst
#pool 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst
#pool 2.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst
#pool 3.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst

#pool ntp.ubuntu.com

# Add the following lines.

server 0.sk.pool.ntp.org
server 1.europe.pool.ntp.org
server 3.europe.pool.ntp.org

b) Restrict Access of Public NTP Servers to our NTP Server

restrict -4 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery

Time will be synchronized with public NTP server but the servers are not allowed to modify the run-time configuration or query our Linux NTP server.

c) Allow Our Hots to Query Time With Our NTP server

Add the following lines.

restrict mask nomodify notrap
restrict mask nomodify notrap
restrict mask nomodify notrap
restrict mask nomodify notrap

Restart NTP service and check status of time synchronization.

# systemctl restart ntp

Use the  ntpq utility to monitor NTP daemon ntpd operations.

root@Server1:/home/ubuntu# ntpq -p

Picture 8 - Monitoring NTP Daemon Operations With NTP Query Utility

The actual time can be checked with the date command.

root@Server1:/home/ubuntu# date
Thu Apr 6 11:04:42 CEST 2017

2.6 DHCP Server Installation and Configuration

We need to run DHCP server on Server1 as we want hosts in the end-user networks (192.168.10-30.x/24 ) and the network to obtain their IP addresses automatically. In order to get this configuration working the command ip helper-address must be configured under SVI 10, 20 and 30 configuration. We have already done it in Part3.

Install ISC DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment for clients on the subnets 192.168.x.0/24 and

$ sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

Add the lines below into DHCP configuration file /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.  The configuration file is here.

# vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

option domain-name "mycompany.sk";

default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers;
option ntp-servers;
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers;
option ntp-servers;

subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers;
option ntp-servers;

subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers;
option ntp-servers;

Now we need to specify the interface, DHCP should listen to. Add the interface  bond0 to the file /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server. Also check if the path to DHCP configuration file /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf is correct.

# vi /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server



Now we can enable and start DHCP service. Leased IP addresses are stored in the file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases.

# sudo systemctl enable isc-dhcp-server
# sudo systemctl start isc-dhcp-server

2.7 FreeRADIUS Installation and Configuration

If we want to have the login access to the network devices authenticated in centralized manner, FreeRadius is a need. It is cost-free and highly effective solution.

2.7.1 Install and Configure Freeradius

$ sudo apt-get install freeradius

Add the list of the clients into FreeRADIUS configuration with the same shared key test123. Below is the example for  ASAv-I and vIOS-Core-I devices.

# vi /etc/freeradius/clients.conf

client {
secret = test123
shortname = ASAv-I
nastype = cisco

client {
secret = test123
shortname = ASAv-I
nastype = cisco

client {
secret = test123
shortname = vIOS-Core-I
nastype = cisco

Add following lines to the users configuration file as it is shown below. The configuration file is here.

# vi /etc/freeradius/users

# User privilege level 1
raadmin Cleartext-Password := "racisco"
Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User,

# User privilege level 15
raadmin15 Cleartext-Password := "racisco15"
Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User,
cisco-avpair = "shell:priv-lvl=15"

# Enable password
$enab15$ Cleartext-Password := "racisco"
Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User,

To log authentication requests, change the lines below from no to yes in the file /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf. By default, logs are stored in the file /var/log/freeradius/radius.log.

# vi /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf

auth = yes

auth_badpass = yes
auth_goodpass = yes

Restart FreeRadius service.

# systemctl restart freeradius

Picture 9 - Logged Authentication Requests

Note: If you want to check debug messages, stop freeradius service and start it with parameter -X (full debugging).

# freeradius -X

2.8. Syslog-ng Installation and Configuration

We want each device to send logs to one central location. For this purpose, we will install syslog-ng on Server1. The logs are stored inside the directory tree /var/log/syslog-ng/IP/year/month/day where IP is the IP address of a particular device.

$ sudo apt-get install syslog-ng
$ sudo su

Configure Syslog-ng. Here is the configuration file /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/firewalls.conf.

# cd /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d

# vi firewalls.conf

options {

source s_net {
tcp(ip( port(514));
udp(ip( port(514));

destination d_host-specific {

log {

# service syslog-ng restart

Picture 10 - Received Logs from Devices Stored In Directories

4 thoughts on “Enterprise Network on GNS3 - Part 5 - Data Center

  1. Hi! Thanks for sharing your work.

    I have followed all the series of your articles discussing the enterprise network configuration and they have been very useful for me.

    At this moment I have the network working until the last published part (Campus + Data Center + ASA + EdgeRouter and ISP), but I have and issue with DNS server and I would like your help to find the error:

    My DNS server (Server1) receives correctly the DNS-requests from VLAN clients (PC1, PC2,.. etc), and it is able to send those requests to the external network without inconvenient. The responses from DNS servers of google arrive successfully to the Server1, nevertheless, the Server1 allways responses "Server Failure" to its clients. (I have seen all this traffic with wireshark)

    I checked all the configuration files and they are identical to the files shared by you.

    Do you have any idea of the error? or do you know what kind of test I can do to find the error?

    Thanks again!!

  2. I have an issue with vIOS-Ser-I, when I try to input the command "channel-group 1 mode on" on either interface of GigabitEthernet0/2 or 0/3, it crashes.

    Any reason why this would happen and how I could resolve the problem? I've tried different switches, didn't work.

  3. you should have used windows 2012/16 servers instead of the ubuntu servers as windows servers are the ones that are widely used for dns,ntp,dhcp,etc puproses in most organisations.

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