-b - run program in batch mode, i.e without any prompt -g auto - reinstall grub in client disk MBR (only of grub config exists) -e1 auto - automatically adjust filesystem geometry for a NTFS boot partition if exists -e2 - sfdisk uses CHS (cylinders, heads, sectors) from EDD (Enhanced Disk Device) (for non-grub boot loader) -x - use full-duplex network with udpcast in multicast mode -r - resize the filesystem to fit the partition size -j2 - clone hidden data between MBR (1st sector, i.e. 512 bytes) and 1st partition -sc0 - skip checking image before restoring. -p poweroff power off clients when restoring is finished --time-to-wait 30 - time to wait in seconds - the count starts when the first client connects -l - language en_US.UTF-8 startdisk - operate on all partitions of the disk multicast_restore - restore client using multicast core_linux - image file to restore sda - target disk to be overwritten